Hi Ida, I read your post, and I, too, can't seem to go down to 5 mg of Prednisone. My doctor had me try it over a month ago, and I had a recurrence of PMR symptoms, which were pretty severe, so I am back up to 7.5 mg for the past 2 weeks, and I am finally feeling much better. I hate to be on this higher dose, because of possible long term side effects, but my doctor reassures me that it is still considered pretty safe and is a fairly low dose. Maybe, we have to try 5 mg at a little later time. I am 57. May I ask how old you are, Ida? I have been told that I am on the young side to get this disorder, and that it occurs in people over 50, but usually around the age of 70. Oh well. What can we do? I tell myself it could be worse. It's just that I have taken good care of myself, and I am not overweight, and I exercise everyday, and I still came down with this! It hits perfectly healthy people, and usually overnight. How about you? It hit me overnight at the very end of November, last year. Take care and write back to me. Thanks, Shar