Hi Shar- It's great to hear from you, but I am sorry to hear that your doctors have not been able to find something that really helps you. I know the winter weather does nothing to help either. I hope the 40 mg of Prednisone did some good, but 17.5 is still a high dose. My doctor said I could adjust my Prednisone dose, so after having the pain not go away on 7 mg I finally upped it to 10 mg and am feeling much better. I also take pain medication, which was not working at 7 mg. I asked my rheumatalogist why the PMR has lasted so long, he said 2 years is only an average. The urologist is going to freeze a tiny growth that I have in my kidney (CA?). At first he was going to remove the kidney, but decided I needed both kidneys. This will happen in February. After that, I hope to do something for fun. My wish for you is that you too, will have less pain and have many good times in the New Year. Best wishes for a Happy, Healthy, pain-free New Year. Ida