Hi Carol- Hope you are feeling better. My doctor just reduced me to 6 mg/5 mg of prednisone alternate days. I am then scheduled in a month to start 5 mg daily. After a week on the reduced dose my lower back went into severe pain, (worse than usual). I could hardly get out of bed or out of a chair. It's been about four days now and the pain seems to be abating. So there are always changes. Every day is different. With this reduction I did not suffer the terrible fatigue. However, my GP prescribed the pain killer Darvocet- which I take at bedtime because of thigh pain and the back pain. It has been a big help and usually carries over during the day.(One pill ??) I started at 40 mg of prednisone in January 2000. My rheum. dr. says he wants to get me to 5 mg. prednisone daily. If the severe pain continues to lessen I guess I will wait and see. There are good days and bad days. Hang in there. You are not alone, thanks to Healthlink. It has really helped me. Ida