I'm sorry to hear about your frustrating ordeal, but from my experience, it's common with many different disorders. My husband has five other children from a previous marriage who are all grown except the youngest who is a boy and 15. I cannot tell you how many experts my husband has taken his little boy to and how many told him not to worry about anything. 'He is a boy, and boys are a little slower than girls' Over and over again. This was occurring for the first 13 years of the boys life. After he was finally evaluated extensively (very extensively) he was finally diagnosed. The first thing that was very obvious was his speech disorder. To me, it sounded very severe. He was not able to manipulate and coordinate his facial muscles to make some of the different sounds. A little less obvious were a little delay in sitting up at infancy and other infant milestones. Later on learning seemed to be severly delayed. Then behavioral problems surfaced in grade school. ADHD was diagnosed. And recently, physical coordination and fine motor skills seemed to not be there. He was diagnosed with moderate cerebral palsy and mild mental retardation. The cause, oxygen depravation during birth (he had a very difficult birth). Funny thing is, you would never know all these things were wrong if you just casually knew him, with the exception of his speech disorder. The point to all this is for our situation, the speech was the most obvious. And if my husband knew any of this back when his boy was very young, he could have at least attempted some intervention, and there is a whole world of therapies available these days. For us, it's an uphill battle at this point. But for you, proper diagnosis and early intervention is very accessible. You just need to keep pushing the medical community. If your instinct tells you something's very wrong please keep pushing and push hard. Your little boy is still young and can works his way out of this given the right therapies.