Carol Slaughter
I was cued into your question due to the fact that my 21 month old son has delayed speech. We have not seen any doctors in regard to this as we are waiting a while to see if it will develop. I noted in your letter that you mentioned that you saw changes in your son's condition around 19 mos. of age. Is your son vaccinated? If so, do you see any connection between when he was vaccinated around that age and when you saw changes in him? I have done much research into vaccinations and there are many complications as a result of them for thousands of children. I know that you don't believe your child is autistic but did you know that autism was never in existence until vaccinations were invented? Many doctors will think your absolutely nuts if you question the use of vaccinations but, do the research for yourself. Search the web for anti-vaccination information. My children are not vaccinated due to my knowledge of them. Just a little food for thought. Hope it will be beneficial to you.