Paula Oblen
I am 38 years old and have experienced chronic sore throats along with colds, upper respiratory infections, etc...over the past 6 months. I actually have a history of always getting sore throats but have never had my tonsils removed. Finally I went to my GP for a physical and he suggested I see an ENT and diagnosed me with cryptic tonsils. The ENT doc agreed that I would be a good candidate for removal of tonsils...I have heard mixed reviews about the procedure and recovery. I have two ENT's, one is a face and neck surgeon also who explained that he does an extra procedure which entails suturing the tissue to cover where the tonsils are removed. Evidently this cuts the recovery in half and is a lot less painful...I don't know the name they refer to it as flaps....Anyway, any information anyone can sure would be most helpful...and greatly appreciated. I am a little uncomfortable with this...Thanks tons! Paula.