I understand you're frustration. I would suggest you answer the following questions. a. Does your husband smoke? If so He really needs to stop. There have been some studies that smoking can decrease the effectiveness of psychotropic medications by as much as a 1/3. 2. Has your husband had an EEG? 3. Has your husband had an MRI? 4. Has your husband had his Thyroid function tested? 5. If your husband on any other medications, especially blood pressure medicines or cortisones. I hope the doctor you are seeing is a psychiatrist, because no matter how well meaning a general practice MD is simply not able to keep up with the speciality of medications for this illness. Also has your husband's MD had him evaluated by a neurologist? Even the best of MD's sometimes become tunnel visioned in trying to treat the symptoms of the illness and fail to address medical problems that may be contributing to his problems. 5. Now the biggie, does your husband drink or use any street drugs? These are often the cause of lack of control of the illness. Just because someone has Manic Depression, doesn't mean he can't also be Alcoholic and/or addict. And the best way to address this is AA or NA. Good Luck