FM Hurts and will contiue to hurt. You are lucky that it only affects your feet and one eye. I can barely move most of the time. See a podiatrist. I have plantar faciatis and tarsal tunnel syndromewith no relief from 3 cortisone shots. There is really no cure. My FM specialist highly recommended that I not have the surgery, as the repairs would be minimal at best. I find that If I soak my feet, wear tennis shoes (Nike Airliner are the only ones I have found to help me) stay off my feet when I can and spend at least 1/2 hour treading water in the pool during the summer months.I also spend at least 1/2 hour doing other water exercises and keep my feet moving almost constantly. The sore feet went away completely last summer and came back in November. I can hardly wait for April 1st (We live in Las Vegas! Our community pool opens.