This response is to all the threads 1 thru 34,but especially Sharon Knight (28 of 34), and I do sympathise with all. Sharon and all a good all inclusive document is at at the home page leftside top in quick search enter fibromyalgia then click on the 8th entry down "fibromyalgia,jun.2000". Most of you don't have fibro but you do have something. One of the prime factors is that you consistantly exhibit 11 of the 18 pain points for atleast three months, as determined by a pressure of nine pounds, you have to say "ow it hurts". For the eye, see an md eye dctor NOW. For foot pain,whatever the cause: ice your foot,with an ice cube, or in a bucket,don't frostbite your foot. With the foot cold, take a SOFT CLOTH and lightly stroke the area for TEN minutes. when you can handle that, ice and use a ruffer cloth, do this twice a day. All of you (I believe) are being toxified by something,I don't know what. Things to investigate: 1.Remove all of your amalgum (mercury)fillings. 2. Go on a low oxalate diet. 3.Taketogether 1200 to 2400 mg of malic acid with 300 to 600 mg of magnesium per day. 4. Drink clean unclorinated water, one gallon per day. To "unclorinate" your water let it rest in an open container for 24 hours. 5. You must do aerobic exercise (treadmill or walking) NEVER strenuous you need to work thru the pain. 6. For the serious, please keep a diary of your results, and let me know? Thanks Sam