I developed a goiter in my early 20's. At 24 after the birth of my daughter they diagnosed me with hypothyroid and hashimotos which is an auto-immune disorder. The thyroid attacks itself and therefore what is left of the thyroid must work harder and so it pumps up into a goiter, or large mass. I am on enough synthroid (175) that my body does not need to produce its own thyroxin and therefore my goiter has gone away and never returned. I have 2 sisters with hypothyroid, one sister was just diagnosed with hashimotos this year at age 42. She's had a goiter for many years and it has not gone away yet even though she has been on synthroid for several months. She is going for more tests. Thyroid problems are hereditary. You will need to be on a synthetic thyroid for the rest of your life. Just keep regular annual appointments to have your blood work done to see if any adjustments are necessary in your medication. Follow your doctor's advice and if you are uncomfortable with your doctor's knowledge in this area then ask to see and endocrinologist. I have lived with this for 16 years.