I suffer form the same thing. The following are some suggestions that work for me. Eat smaller and more frequent meals. Avoid eating before going to bed. Eliminate excessive bending, lifting, abdominal exercises, girdles and tight belts, all of which increase abdominal pressure and provoke reflux. If overweight, lose weight. Being overweight promotes reflux. Eliminate the use of nicotine (cigarettes), fatty foods, alcohol, all coffees (yes-including decaf), chocolate and peppermint. Elevate the head of the bed 8" to 10" by placing pillows or a wedge under the upper part of the mattress. In this way, gravity keeps stomach juices out of the esophagus while you sleep. It is not enough to use two pillows under the head. I also take a tablespoon of extra strength cherry flavored malox or mylanta before bedtime. The worst thing you can do is lie flat on your back or on your stomach. Hope this helps you.