I read all of the others and I know you aren't too excited about the thought of having an operation, but here is my experience. I too was on prilosec and wanted off the meds, but the pain was horrible so I opted for the operation. I can now drink coffee, eat salsa, fried chicken or salads, or anything else I desire without any pain. I can sleep lying all the way down instead of sitting propped up. I can have a snack anytime I want even if it is just before bed. I take no medicine and have no pain. I had my surgery about two years ago and consider it one of the best decisions I ever made. You can opt to keep trying to treat this for the rest of your life and doing without alot of things or you can have the operation and be done with it. I was pretty much up and about two weeks after the operation and 100% by six weeks. The only thing left to remind me of it are five one-inch long scars on my abdomin. I also didn't even have heartburn at all through my last prenancy. I don't know what bad stuff you have heard about the operation, but I would definately recommend it to anyone with a hiatel hernia.