I have herniated my L5-S1 disk twice. Had laminectomy surgery about six months after my accidental fall and felt like new. I was warned that my back would be weak though, and about five months later had a major sneezing spell and herniated it again at the same place. Pain was awful. Then it all went numb, a blessing and a curse. I have numbness down the leg to my little toes and no Achilles reflex. I tried physical therapy, with no help both times. Ended up with a second surgery because I couldn't walk more than 20 paces without begining to lose control of my foot and knee. My foot would drag, and I couldn't seem to lift my leg high enough to keep from tripping. I have function of my leg and foot again with residual numbness that comes and goes in its intensity. Anti-inflammatories (ADvil, Aleve) helped, but I couldn't take them for long, have a weak stomach. Using a pillow between your legs if you sleep on your side or under your knees on your back helps. Also do not vacuum, the twisting and pushing seems to aggravate it. Avoid lifting more than a jug of milk or a 12 pack of soda. Some have been helped with the steroid injections. I didn't try that. Physical therapy was helpful in learning how to manage ordinary tasks and keeping some muscle strength to support the back. Wish you well.