Hi. I definately know just what you're going through. I am 26 and have had severe migraines for 7 years now. I started out on zoloft, then midrin, then immitrex, all the ones you mentioned. The 2 that offered me some relief are called Zomig, and Maxalt. Also what I did, because I was having these on a daily or 3/week basis, I went to see a chronic pain specialist. you may need to get a referral from your neurologist. A pain specialist can put you on an actual Migraine Preventative, you take it daily to prevent migraines from even happening. However, I wonder if you have neck stiffness with the migraines, if you do, you might want to be checked or get an MRI of the base of your skull, neck and spine for a disease called Arnold Chiari Malformation. I recently found out this is what I have. Severe frequent migraines, especially upon awakening and neck stiffness, is one of the major signs. I have been down a long road, even having to go to the ER to get a pain shot and a shot for the nausea at times. But I would suggest a pain specialist closest to your area, it is worth the travel, and get on a migraine preventative, and try Zomig or Maxalt. I'll be curious to see how things go, you can email me anytime and let me know, and good luck!!Melissa.