Sara.. i am a 46yr.old female, and was diagnoised with MVP back in 1987...And even to this day it still sometimes frightens me...But my cardiac dr. have assured and ressured me a million times, and we pretty much keep on top of it..The best method to check MVP is also with an ECHO...Not an EKG...This will show all the valve's....Sometimes i can go months without any problems, and then all of a sudden the old heart wants to start acting up...i just try and bear with it...I avoid all caffeine, exercise regularly, but i think it just happens when it wants..Just remember,,,it is not dangerous, but do make sure that it is MVP first....Bearing down does help, and also i have learned that coughing extremely hard during this time will throw the heart back into it's normal rhythm....I have had the racing, palpations,,,you name it..Sometimes it's worse around my period...And then again undue stress will cause it...But, like i said i think it has a mind of it's own...sometimes just letting me know that it's still there...Please find a dr. that will put your mind at ease,,,or check different sites about MVP and that might help...Breathing techniques can works wonders also when the racing starts...just always try and stay will pass...the heart will always go back to it's regular rhythm....if you like u can email me for more info...hope i was of some help!