Hi,This is for Kimberley,or anyone who can give me some information.I have just been denied by the Social Security for disability.They said even though my condition does affect my ability too work.They feel l can still do work as a sales assistant.They listed some of my ailments,but left out a few.Do l call them up and say they haven't got them all down,which my Doctor had treated me for.Or just get an attorney.I have FM,CFS,MPS,Migraines,Degenerative Disc Disease,in the neck 4-5,5-6,6-7 and back.Torn disc L 4-5.Hip and Groin pain.Leg and Arm pain.Frozen right shoulder and limited use in the left.Carpal tunnel in both wrists,lumps(cysts) under each foot,with pain in the feet and ankles.Over active bladder.The SS never mentioned my arms wrists feet ankles legs,or bladder.How they expect you too work like this,let alone struggle through each day,beats me.Any information on what too do.