You don't have to fight any longer!!! Rosenfeld & Associates 44 School St. Suite 715 Bosotn, MA 02108 tel. 1-617-723-7470 Ask for Mala Rafik she is a specialist in dealing with FMS Disability...She got me mine and I didn't even have to go to court!!!!! you can look them up on the internet and read all the cases she has won with FMS. I didn't have to do a thing except help her get some paperwork. I can't tell you how expensive it was because she nenver took any money from me and I have not received a bill yet, but she was wonderful, and I never left my home and she never left her office. I can't stress enough how good this firm is helping people with FMS get what they deserve. PLease just call or do a search on the firm it is easy. THis is not an advertisement. Mention my name Linda Borchers.SHe will know who I am. my e-mail address if anyone wants to find out more is that first letter is a small L for Linda. Just write me please I know what it feels like to have no money and no hope. It happened to me until I found Mala.