I had the same problem in 1999. Gradually over time, I developed pain in my neck shoulder, arm, elbow and hand (left). Turned out I had the same as you. From January through February 2000, I took three cortisone shots in the neck. Doctors recommend no more than three in six months. All three helped to reduce pain but the relief did not last long. I also took hydrocodene which helped to relieve pain for some hours. I was finally ready to book surgury, but I started noticcing that the pain went away slowly over a couple of months. In my case. the disk protrusions lessened just enough to kill the pain except when sneezing, coughing and moving my head frrom side to side. If you can stand the pain, I would suggest maybe you might hold out surgury and maybe start to get better. One thing though, my left hand actually turned blue because of the nerve damage. It eventually got back to regular color but every doctor I saw said not to let the discoloration remain to long or permament nerve damage can remain. Good luck and feel free to write. Mike