Nina Hoover
Hi,I also have Plantar Faciitis.I have been going to the podiatrist for several weeks now. He has given me cortisone shots and steriods to relieve the pain and inflamation ,which have helped a great deal.He also taped my feet,before the inserts came ,to keep the foot stabalized. Before, the pressure of walking and just re-injuring the heel over and over as I stepped down on it ,was terrible. I am now wearing inserts and Reebok "Freestyle" hightop tennis shoes. (None of my shoes at home fit due to the inserts). The combination is helping a great deal. There is an exercise that you can do before you get out of bed in the morning.Go to Yahoo and type in Plantar Facitis/exercises. It helps stretch the ligament that has contracted during the night. Don't let the discomfort go on too long. It will require that much more time to heal.I have a very high arch and that aggravates the difficulty. But as I said, the inserts help a LOT.Also during the day and after I come home in the evening,ice packs for thirty minute intervals are wonderful! At worl I froze a bottle of water and during lunch break put my foot on that. Sounds odd ,but it worked.Highly recommend that. Good luck!