Terri Martin
I need to talk to someone like you. I am 29. I have two young children. I am always tired, depressed, my toes go numb, I am insulin resistant and my coloring is bad. My father has developed high blood pressure, diabetes in his 50's and I think his face looks bronze.My new doctor first thought I could be iron deficient due to my coloring and tiredness. She ran blood work and my iorn is very high and something in my liver looked unusual. She said I may have Hemochromatosis. She has ordered an ultrasound on my liver, hepatic liver panel, HEP A ANTIBODY IGM, HEP B SURF ANT, HEP B CORE, HEP C AB, TRANSFERRIN, AND FERRITIN. I am scared of what this may all mean. The thought of bloodletting makes me feel like I will be an invalid. I need to have a realistic idea of what this all means. Do you feel better after begining treatment? Thanks for you help and concern.