Have had the same symptoms for years, but only recently had a name to put to the problem. Have found extensive info on the web on this by going into believe it or not the heading of arthritis and also lupus. It would seem there is Raynauds disease and also Raynauds Syndrome, not sure at this point what the fine line of difference, if any is. While I've had the symptoms for years, have not yet had the diagnoses -- will be oing in for testing this week for it. This is a most annoying affliction -- pick up something cold at the grocery store and one or more fingers instantly go white and numb for a few minutes or more than an hour -- walking the dog in the park (no matter the temperature - 40 or 90+) and while you are walking your toes or entire foot goes so numb that it hurts as if you are holding it against a block of ice no matter what you do. In extreme flare ups you will later get little red spots on you toes and he bottom of your feet or even sometimes your fingers that will hurt and stay red for days - and then those areas will act just like a blister and peel. The area where the skin has peled will take a very long time to finaly heal. Would like to hear more from you on this. glady