Cheryl Rogers
No, I have not had Multiple Sclerosis, but I have an idea how you feel. I USED to have Environmental Illness, a medically incureable disease. The best the medical community can offer is management. I got better and worse for more than three years, until I'd had it. (I was out of options. I couldn't buy or prepare my own special organic food; I had to rely on my parents. I couldn't live at home with my husband and daughter, ETC ETC I will spare myself the details.) I was at the end of the road. I told God He could have my life because I couldn't do anything with it. He heard my prayer and solved my immediate problem in three or four hours. I began improving and was home in one month and delivered - set free from Environmental Illness a little more than five months later. That was on April 26, 1997. I want to give you hope, no matter what the doctors say. Your Heavenly Father knows what is wrong and how to fix it. He not only healed me but taught me what caused the problem in my life. I would happy to share more with you.