Chris - I've had bursitis in both hips for 3 years. The chiropractor (pressure points - NOT crush & twist) was very helpful. I was able to walk then. I've been doing low/no impact pool excerzises in warm water (& hot tub)for a year. It has help, though I still can't stand very long or walk very far. I have gotten up to walking two blocks, so I feel good about that. I see that you've been taking glucosamine. I just discovered Dr Theodosakis's book "the arthritis cure", & am going to try his outline of amounts & combinations to take. When I checked out these boards awhile back, everybody said "don't get the operation". I don't know if your doctor has told you about it, but scar tissue forms easily & can make the pain even worse. Most people recommended not getting anymore cortisone shots, & not take any pregnazone (sp)