Rochelle: I am so sorry to hear of your sons dx. I am 55 yrs old and dx in 98. I feel my oldest son of 35 also has fibromyalgia and I feel so sorry for him too. I have had cancer, brain anurysum and heart attack and none of that compared to what this has done to my body. There are many great support chat rooms online for Fibromyalgia and he can get many answers and help on them. Each person is different and react different to medications. I strongly suggest that your son see a Rhumy for this condition and call before making an appointment to see if this Dr. treats Fibro. Believe it or not many Drs. do not know and dont want to learn about Fibro as we are the most difficult patients to deal with. God Bless your son and I pray he finds help from a caring Dr. There is a new magazine out now just for Fibromyalgia Called AWARE. very helpful.