Sorry to hear about your R.S.D.S.! I also have it in my right leg, caused by a severe fracture and a hospital induced infection. I would like to suggest a couple of things. 1) Become a member of the Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Assn. Go to to find and join in. It's a great world-wide support group. And they know the disease! 2) Continue with the meds prescribed, but in the meantime try cherry juice concentrate. This is available in most larger Natural Health Food stores. I was prescribed Vioxx for pain relief, which works partially. I started on the cherry juice regimen, and seldom take Vioxx any longer. Be extremely careful with this disease. I know one person that had it go globally in his body. He's confined to a wheel chair and only has full use of his left arm. He's on the U.S. Paralympics Team, shooting a bow with the arrow placed in his mouth by his wife. Great guy with a great attitude!