Marilyn Matthew
In 1999 I was diagnosed with a condition much like Fibro, however I have RSD, "Reflex Sypathic Dystophy". While working as a correction officer in one of Ohio's close maximum security prison, an inmate threw a large rock at my head,face and neck area. Two weeks later I also was involved in an auto accident. At first the Doctors at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation thought that I to suffered from Fibrmyalgia, but some of the symptoms did not match up with it. I was then found to have the RSD. On some days I can't even get out of the bed. The pain is exhausting. When the rock was thrown, it struck me on the right side of my face. However most of my pain occures on the left side of my body to include, my left leg,left arm and hand,with pain radiating into my lower back.Both of my feet are affected as well as the right side of my face.Just the slightest touch of fingers on my face runs un-godly pain that I never thought possible. I do not know much about Fibro, but would be very interested in knowing the difference between the two. Currently I attend a pain center in Columbus, Ohio and have been presribed "Kadian" for pain.However it looks as if now the Doctors are considering the use of a pump for a more constant flow of pain relief. Please e-mail me back and tell me all about your condition and how you were first diagnosed. Thank You