I'm so sorry to hear that you've got FMS. May I ask how old you are? I started the first FMS Group in our county, then turned it over to someone else a number of yrs back. I KNOW what it feels like, and would be more than happy to help support you by sharing my feelings, pain (physical and emotional). I had worked for a wonderful Dr. in Family Practice. Since we were both the same age, we used to joke around about retiring at the same time, that's when we were 49, I'm now 55, soon to be 56. There are a million good books out there, but because of so much help that Dr.Devin Starlanyl has given so many, I like to recommend her site, and her books. Her first FMS book we used as a study guide for the group. Dr. Devin is all too aware of how painful and exhausting it is. She has a wonderful site, and there is also a support group on line called Fibrom-L As I said, if I can be of any help to you, just email me and put FMS on the subject line. Sincerely, Susan in the Central Calif.Foothills