I was diagnosed with FMS (fibromyalgia) This disorder's symptoms of which I have) chronic fatigue and pain in the mucscles anywhere from my head to my foot. When the doc touches certain areas of the body it sends out a very sharp shooting pain. I am only on a muscle relaxer for this symptom.I also suffer from migraines and insomnia. This is different then CFS(chronic fatigue) because mine comes and goes the other occurs once. The sire is you describe a rare condition that a patient I had once (I am a nurse) She could not stand even a slight breeze without it causing extreme pain. She was homebound. Her husband could not touch her but only kiss her. It was a nerve disorder. the therapy was exercise. She had weights. The best therapy for any disorder is to keep active physically as much as poss. mentally and spiritually. I love to offer it for other's conversions It has a purpose and a meaning. Joline from De Th