Chronic Fatigue syndrome and epstein barr virus are two separate illnesses and they are both detected thru blood tests. However, you could get a negative reading even if you have the decease. Lymes Decease also mimics these deceases. Find a doctor that knows about these deceases and get tested. Lymes Decease requires antibiotics, cfs sometimes requires vitamin shots. Also learn as much as you can about the decease so you can learn how to live with it and your family can learn what is going on is real and you are not just lazy. I have cfs and lymes decease. It has completely changed my life. I have an 8 year old and a ten year old. They both know what is wrong with me and why I cannot run and play ball. They also know that I can read to them and watch tv together. Their teachers and school counselors also help them deal with life on life's terms. Good luck and God bless.