I see three separate approaches in this thread -- one is that these spasms are caused by something systemic, as in a deficiency of some kind or a 'mystery' disease like fibro of CFS -- another is the ever-profitable spinal approach, favored by many BMW-driving docs (I'm not saying these problems don't exist, just that it isn't always the source of pain and spasm) -- and the third is a neuromuscular issue like peripheral nerve entrapment or a structural 'tweak'. I continue to urge anyone suffering from muscle spasms to have their SI joint evaluated by someone who understands that type of dysfunction. An SIJ rotation can lead to piriformis syndrome, which can bring on sciatica and other nerve entrapments affecting the buttocks, hip, lower back and leg/foot areas. It can also engage the psoas muscle, which in turn affects the quadratus lumborum muscle, creating a sensation of 'pulling down' in the shoulder and a 'tired' sensation in the arms. The SI joint can affect basically every part of your body -- can even bring on migraines. And you can work on the symptoms from now till the cows come home and never really be free of the problem until you fix the rotation.