Hi Sue, I don't know who your doctor is, but everything I've read on rosacea says to avoid hydrocortisone. This is a very complex disease which many doctors don't understand. So, anyway, I would look for a new doctor, but before I did so I would check out sites like this one and webmd. Research rosacea, and then make sure that your doctor doesn't prescribe the wrong thing. A short story along those lines might be relevant. When I first saw my doctor about my rosacea, neither of us knew what it was at the time. We sat down together and went through her medical books until we found what matched my symptoms most closely. The thing is, there are so many diseases out there that often the doctor will take the easy road and assume you have the most common of the diseases. Some doctors have assumed that I have acne, but rosacea is not acne. The term acne rosacea is actually a misnomer. Anyhoo, if you research the condition and then go to the doctor you will be more able to discuss this using his/her lingo and probably will get more accomplished. But, if this really is rosacea (it could be something else), I would seriously re-think the hydrocortisone idea. Everything I've seen discourages that. Good luck :-) Zerin