June Jackson
I have been suffering from knee pains for about 14 yrs now, since i was about 14, i'm now 28. There is virtually no part of my body that has been taken over w/pain. I have very bad spinal stabbings in my spine, which has been occuring for about 3 yrs now. I have pain everywhere, near my jaw, wrists, fingers, ankle, legs, buttocks. I'm going to a neurologists next week. But my pain use to be sparadic off and on over a decade now, but for the last few weeks, i've been in pain every day w/out letup. Does this sound anything familiar. I think i read in Lupus it doesn't involve the spine, is that true? If so i guess maybe i dont' have lupus. But i'm getting very anxious, wondering why is my body going thru so much pain, all the time, today i experience pain in several parts of my body. HELP?