Diana Mercado
Hello, my name is also Diana. I have a similar problem with my abdomen. For many years I have struggled with a distended abdomen and pain (lokes like I'm 6-7 months pregnant). They did x-rays after x-rays, mulitple exploratory laperotomy's and laproscopes found alot of adhesions, and partial obstructions of my large bowel. After several years being in the hospital every month with a abdomenal ileus/bowel obstructions. The surgeon finally did open biopsies and did a temporay ileostomy and found out that I had a rare bowel dysmotility. Called neural dysplasia (too many neurons causing the motility to fight between which direction the movement should go). During the time that I had the ileostomy I did not get distended or feel like vomiting all the time. However, after the surgeon did a total colectomy and reastomosed the ileum to the rectum, I started to get sick again. Then he did necular scan watching a egg with some nucular material and the digestion was way out of range suppose to be with in 1-2hrs the food should be gone but mine was there for 24 or more hours which indicates that the disease is throughout my whole GI system with no cure just control the symptoms and will have to live day by day hoping that I will not have to go back to the hospital every month. I hope that you do not have this problem, the surgeon that found this disease on me says that he had a patient along time ago with similar symptoms but did not know what to do for her. This disease is very rare alot of the GI doctors don't really know about it either, if you can ask your doctor to at least do a nucular scan to find out if your motility is decressed. To find out if it is a neuronal dysplagia they would have to open your abdomen and take a biopsy (not a EGD). I hope that this will help you I have a hard time occasionally because I do not know of anyone that has this problem to get strength and support from except for my new family practice doctor and new surgeon. They don't know much about the disease but they have gotten to know that when I tell them that something is not right in my abdomen they take my word for it and act appropriatly. If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me. I really hope that this helps. Bye Diana.