There are lots of things that can effect your menstrual cycle. I guess the first thing i would want is some ansers as to why this is happening to you now, all of a sudden. Or have your periods always been irregular. Did your doctor do any tests to check our hormone levels. The birth control pill is a great way to regulate your hormones and allow for a more natural cycle, even though it may seem unnatural to take them. It should have absolutely no bearing on your ability to have children when you are ready. I started taking BC Pills when I was 16 to regulate my painful periods. I took them for 10 yrs and am on them again now. It turns out I have endometriosis, but did not find that out until I was 24. I have one beautiful and healthy son. My periods returned to their normal painful self when I stopped taking the Pil. If what is happening to you now can be stopped or corrected than your periods should be normal once you stop. In the mean time try to enjoy normal Kim