my daughter had the same symptoms,but worse.within six min. of her injection,she was comatose. when she woke up about 15 min. later,she was in excrutiating pain.that episode was aug.12 1999.since that time,she was diagnosed at vanderbilt university with, epstein barr syndrome and the mono virus.the dr. said that when she had the adverse reaction to the hep.b vaccine,it woke up the ebv virus and the mono virus at the same time,and the vaccine caused her pottassium to hit rock bottom.we almost lost her.but by the grace of god we did`nt.she is thirteen now,and is doing better.but in the snap of your finger she is sick again.she complains with headaches,back and chest pain,neck,legs ect.the dr.s told us that there is know cure.that all we could do is take one day at a time with her ,and hope she will get better.i hope you will get better to.please e-mail me if i can help.p.s. sonyas blood was fine except for the pottasium diff.