Diana, Has ANY doctor diagnosed you with CFS? The other possiblity is FMS. The "type" of doctor you should see is a Rhuemotologist. If you have not been "diagnosed" with this I would only tell him/her ALL your symtpoms. They will order tests to rule out any other connective tissue disease and should be able to prescribe treatment from there. I would also suggest interviewing the doctor or a member of his office staff before going and seeing him/her. The first thing I ALWAYS look for in a doctor is a happy staff. I've worked with doctors for over 12 years and can tell you that if the person who answers the phone is ot happy or even the slightest bit rude, chances are you won't like the doctor either. That is important because you need to feel comfortable with the doctor. I would also ask how many patients he/she treats with CFS or FMS. Even though both of these are REAL Problems the progress made is slow. Good Luck! Kimb