I was like you at one time. I believed in medical doctors. I tried everything they had to offer for the pain that I have in my back. I screwed my back up in '68' I picked up something really heavy at the time. Anyways, it all came to a head when I was 30' up it a tall tree. I missed in setting the tree gaff I was wearing and I fell down that tree like a rock. I was strapped to the tree, by the way. I had to go to a CHIROPRACTOR. The medical doctors don't believe in them. I inched my way into his office in pain. I walked out, I was in pain , but I walked out in my normal stride. I kept going back until I was normal again. I never believed in chiropractors before. But, they sure helped me out. Why don't you give them a try. Unless you want the doctors to pill you to death. All I know they sure help me out. I go back when only needed, now. Try, please. Good luck!!