Hello, I'm sorry you have Polymyalgia Rheumatica. I have it too, so I know what you are going through. I came down with it just over a year ago, and I'm having the same problem with tapering my Prednisone dose from 7.5 mg.down to 5 mg. I think, though, you might want to give the taper a little longer than a day to see if it is working. Each time I have tapered, it took a couple of weeks to start to feel better. Only the last time I reduced the Prednisone to 5 mg, it didn't work out. I gave it 8 weeks, and I kept going downhill with pain and fatigue, so my doctor told me to go back up to 7.5 mg. Apparently, the Polymyalgia is still pretty active, and I need the slighly higher dose at this time. You might ask your doctor about how long to give the taper, to see if it is going to work, but I would think a day just isn't long enough. Best wishes! I hope you feel better soon! Sharry