I had my tonsills out when I was 34 y.o it took me about 10 days to recover. It helps a lot if you take the liquid pain medicine they give you. some people are afraid to take pain med. but I am telling you take it faithfully around the clock until its gone. I couldn't swaollowfor about the 10th or 13th day. they tell you to try eating solid food by the fouth day, but no way could I even attempt. The best thing to do is to take the pain med and sleep for 10 days. The only thing I could tolerate was ice pops and ice water. I couldn't eat ice cream because the milk in the ice cream would thicken my saliva and I couldn't swallow. If you work or go to school you might as well take 2 weeks off if you are over 17 y.o. they say its harder to handle the older you are.