Hi, I suggest you see a Gi doctor, I started out ealry september 2001 feeling as if something was stuck in my throat, has this was ignored by my pc doctor I seeked out another doctor, she sent me to Gi doctor and Ent, there I had upper endo done and they had to dilate my esophogus, they found a few things besides also, I still have trouble to know end with swallowing my food, I am unable to eat now, but jello and brothes, it is dysphagia and do not let it wait to be treated or you will end up like me, I am now sitting here losing wieght like crazy and been told it is dysphagia/achalasia,pleas seek medical treatment for this, I am now looking forward to all sorts of tests to be done and the medication I take does nothing for me, I may need surgery please go see a dcotr.and keep note on when it happnes and what you eat.