you sound like you have polycystic ovary syndrome. you need to seen an endocrinologist. obgyns are not appropriately trained to deal with this. go to for more info. other signs (which may or may not all be present) are thinning hair, weight gain, facial hair, male pattern baldness, acne and skin tags as well as the menstrual irregularities. the medication they should be using for you is metformin (glucophage) or avandia/actos. all are diabetes meds that lower your insulin levels. high levels of insulin caused by insulin resistance is what causes the increased testosterone which causes the reproductive abnormalities. those meds, along with a high protein, low carb diet (using the glycemic index to choose lower number carbs is very helpful. They have a list of doctors on the site. you do NOT have to have surgery. major problem with birth control pills is they don't deal with the problem of insulin resistance. this is not just a problem with ovaries but a risk for heart dz in the future as well as diabetes if you don't already have diabetes. if you do have diabetes, i recommend dr. bernsteins diabetes solution which you can get from i am a diabetes educator. don't give up . you are just getting bad medical advice. also make sure you are taking a vitamin/mineral supplement because high homocysteine levels are associated with insulin resistance and B vitamins (b6, b12 and folic acid) can lower those