Nancy- I hope you are back on prednisone. It is a nasty medicine, but it is the Rx of choice for PMR. Do you have a rheumatologist? Your symptoms sound exactly like PMR. Especially when your sedrate went sky-high when you stopped taking prednisone. The same thing happened to me and that was the indication of PMR to my rheumatologist. PMR is supposed to last two to four years, all the time tapering the prednisone to lower and lower levels. Before I was diagnosed in Jan/Feb. 2000, a doctor tapered me too quickly to zero prednisone and my sedrate went to 100. Saw another rheumatologist and he started me on 40 mg. Today I take 6mg/5mg on alternate days. My last sedrate was normal. I also take calcium, Vit. D for to protect the bones from the effects of prednisone. I still have pain and fatigue, but not as bad. So far, Healthlink is the best support group. Look for the PMR postings in their own file in Healthlink. There are many grouped together. I hope you will feel better soon. Ida