Dear Jennifer, It will not harm your baby if you stop smoking now, especially if you aren't smoking very much. I admire you trying and thinking of your baby's health. Those who smoke more than a couple of cigs a day thruout their pregnancy may give birth to underweight, underdeveloped babies and a prime concern is their lung development as well. Babies who are born to smoking mothers (during gestation and after birth) are prone to lung problems such as asthma. I am certainly NOT preaching here. Matter of fact, I wonder how all of us did so well when, yrs ago, our Mom's smoked much more than they do today. Just be informed and aware of the risks. Since I am unaware of what you've tried to quit smoking I am not sure what to suggest. The typical answers are keep the cigs out of the house, avoid smokers, have healthy snack foods to pick up and eat when you want to have a cig. Participate in activities to get your mind off wanting to smoke, etc, etc. I doubt the patch or gum is a good idea when preg. Your MD could answer that question. Good luck! And best wishes with your soon-to-be arrival :-)