Alice E. Thilges
It will take some time to normalize your bowels, but begin with taking Flax Oil Capsules from Health Food Store --recommend good grade of cold pressed oil, which must be refrigerated after opening. Flax Oil is very high in Omega 3 oil & will not only be a good nutrient but a mild laxative effect. I take 2 capsules a day. Also, add to that Dr. Julia Whittaker's reccomendation of 2 parts psyllium powder with 1 part each of oat bran and flax seed meal. I purchase flax seeds and grind them in a little coffee grinder--the oat bran can be bought already ground and is cheap. I take 1 teaspoon with each meal. This will retrain your bowels to eliminate need for laxatives, etc., and you won't have pain unless you have developed hemmrhoids from all the constipation. Good soluble fibre is one of the main requirements for IBS. Also helpful if you eat only whole grain breads and pastas, and plenty of green veggies and fruit. Diet is the key!!!! After years of doctors not telling me all of this I found it in Dr. Whitaker's Guide to Natural Healing---one of most helpful books I have ever read or bought on this and many other subjects. WalMart has their own brand of Psyllium Powder without aspartame in it and I use that with the oat bran and flax seed meal. I make a quart at a time and keep it refriger- ated and it lasts a long time. Good luck. Your problmen need not be so painful.