I myself have CFS as well as Fibromyalgia and Lupus. There is no real treatment for CFS, but believe it or not walking and exercise helps. Its hard to do when you are so tired you can't lift your arms high enough and long enough to brush your hair. Diet is important. Stay away from any carbonated drinks. The phosphate acid in the carbonated drinks cause the fatigue to be worse. Drink LOTS of water, not drinks containing water, BUT WATER! If you have pain with your fatigue you need to see a DR for this. However the DR you need to see is a Rhuematologist. I have a Rhuematologist in Edmond, Okla. that I see and he has just been great, because he SPECIFICALLY treats these illnesses. Most of all, you need a good support system. Family and friends cant "see" anything so they have difficulty believing there is really anything wrong and believe that it is "all in your head". Find a "good" Rhuematologist who KNOWS ABOUT CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME. Believe me, other medical doctors don't know enough about these illnesses to treat you properly. Good luck.