I am 39 and had similar problems two years ago. The pain went from my arm pit down the rib line/outside contour of my right breast. The left breast was affected but not to the same degree. The areas were painful to touch. Mammograms and an ultrasound revealed only 2 small cysts. My GYN thinks it was a hormonal problem. I have had it twice more & still worry, but over time it has resolved itself. Currently I have pain in the same area but it is related to a repetative stress & posture problem related to my computer/ work space arrangement. It involves muscles in my shoulder ("lats" muscle & ?) per my doctor & massage therapist. The massage really helps & I'd like to go more often then every 1-2 weeks but it's expensive & not covered by my insurance. I was very surprised that this would cause pain by my right breast again though. I hope that your test will go well & that you'll be fine. I know that it's impossible not to worry though.