Hi...I have bursitis in my shoulder too. My collarbone hurt for about 7 or 8 months really bad. I couldn't even hardly raise my arm above my head. I finally went to the doctor and he said I had bursitis. I'm only 29 and I thought how in the world did this happen. I work on the computer all day, every day and I have a 4 yr. old that I carry and lift like she is still little. I kinda thought maybe I hurt it by lifting her continuously. Anyway, he gave me Celebrex for 2 months and told me to do aerobic exercises. I finished taking my Celebrex on Saturday. I have been doing 4 (15-25) sets of arm stretches every morning. I hurt in my neck and lower shoulder blade still yet. Do you? Are you feeling better now? I really hope this will go away for good. Do you know any do's and don'ts? I'd be happy to hear from you to compare our aches and pains.