"cycsts" are actually a normaly part of every womens cycle. As long as they go away. Some don't and that would be cause for concern. that would be a disease all it's own called Poly Cystic Ovarian syndrome. It has some characteristics that would be obvious to both you and your doctor if you had it. Along with your pain and abnormal cycle you would also have significant weight problems. Facial hair, as well as hair growth in some other unwanted areas. Acne is another side effect. Your testosterone levels could also be checked. Basically if you had this problem you doctor should be able to suspect just by looking at you and going over your history. If you still meet some of the crieteria and are not satified...FIND a new doctor ASAP!!! In fact if this pain has been going on for some time and all your getting is a pat on the back I'd be looking for a new doctor anyway! There is a reason for your pain and it's not coming from your imagination! Leave that to your children! There are other things that could be causing your pain, Endometriosis maybe? Are you periods painful and heavy when you do get them? Pelvic Congestion Syndrome...Is it a dull achy pain across you entire pelvi area? sort of a full feeling, like a tooth ache? Is sex painful? These are real concerns and your doctor should be addressing them!!! good Luck! Kimb