My 89 year old Mother recently had the second hip replacement due to breaking hip due to a fall. The first was 11 years ago and she came through with flying colors. The hospital confinement was only 13 days - from admission, surgery, PT, OP, to discharge. This time she was confined for 28 days - had complications four days after surgery - probably not related to actual surgery. She has severe bronchial asthma and COPD - and had the worst asthma attack she had ever had. Escalated with anxiety attack and possible blood clot. Resulted in loss of progress - real set back. Also, she just didn't bounce back as fast - but, was 11 years older. A sharp anesthesia dr. suggested a spinal block rather than conventional general anesthesia - probably saved her life. She is home now and doing well. If your mother-in- law is in good general health she will probably do well. Please do inquire about type of anesthesia to be used. Good luck - if your's is like mine, she is in her second (or third) childhood and very difficult at times. Sugar and spice to hospital staff, but as soon as they are out of sight, Dr. Jekyl appears. She says she doesn't remember calling me terrible names, swinging at me, kicking at me, and generally unpleasant - I could not please her, no matter what. It was a very trying time and I probably should not have stayed with her the entire time, but she was afraid after her set back and did not want me out of her sight. I stayed all 28 nights and 99% of all days - my only escape was to see some of my drs & fudged a little some days by actually going into a store - I only visited my home four times during the entire ordeal. My only advice is to hang tough and do the best you can - but not at the detriment of your health. I know I am blessed to still have my Mother - and have had to remind myself quite regularly. It is very difficult at best, so take any help that is offered. May God bless you and her - and pray for strength to enable you to deal with the responsibility - hope- fully your experience will be easier than mine. Please feel free to contact me - sometimes just to talk to someone that has had a similar experience helps you to maintain at least a little bit of your sanity.