my son had osteomyletis, he now has one limb shorter than the other... since he is only two now, doctors say he will be routinly checked with x rays till he is 18. we will not know yhe long term ouycome, as it is a wait & see basis. the infection ate all of his cartiladge and bone in his right leg....and we are hoping the bone will regenerate itself... for an adult , it is most likely not to regenerate since you are done growing... the were almost certain that my son would nerver walk... but by the grace of god he is walking, and doing good. he will however have a slight limp.we had 4 months of iv meds, a brace and lots of sleepless nights ,as it is a very painful infection...I WILL REMEMBER YOU IN MY PRAYERS FOR A QUICK AND FULL RECOVERY...GOD BLESS U..